
In the early eighties sensing the crying need of hundres of poor children in the are, informal education was begun in the premises of ST. Mary’s School. Gradually in 1986 Mary Ward School Jamshikhel was born as a formal School. It could only give the very basic education as the physical facilities were very limited. So in 1997 with the help of many friends and benefactors ans extension of this Mary Ward School was opened in Lubhu. It accommodated the students completing glass 5 in Jamshikhel and for the children of the underprivileged if the society in Lubhu and the nearby villages.

The institution admits girls of all communities irrespective of caste, creed and religion. The school imparts not only academic education to girls, but also helps them to form and intergrated personality by developing in them a strong character, love of truth, respect, loyalty, a sense of justice and the necessity for honest and hard work. This will make them an honour to womanhood and a source of happiness and blessing to all with whom they come in contact.

Physical training, social and cultural activities and other extra curricular activities are given adequate place in the children education to make them disciplined and worthy citizens. Moral education, taught to all children, aims at inculcating in them right values and attitudes.

Our school aims at creating individuals who are confident to face the chance of life. It aspires towards creating a humane society free from prejudices, superstitions, and discrimination based on sex, religion, cast and economic status and characterized by respect for the dignity of the human person, leadin to concern for each other.

 For the attainment of this goal the Congregation expects parents and teacher to share this vision and to cooperate in making it a reality.

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