सयौं थुँगा फूलका हामी, एउटै माला नेपाली सार्वभौम भई फैलिएका, मेची-महाकाली।।
प्रकृतिका कोटी-कोटी सम्पदाको आंचल वीरहरूका रगतले, स्वतन्त्र र अटल।।
ज्ञानभूमि, शान्तिभूमि तराई, पहाड, हिमाल अखण्ड यो प्यारो हाम्रो मातृभूमि नेपाल।।
बहुल जाति, भाषा, धर्म, संस्कृति छन् विशाल अग्रगामी राष्ट्र हाम्रो, जय जय नेपाल।।
Mary Ward School, Lubhu, Lalitpur, was established in 1997, It is under the management of the Sisters of the Congregation of Jesus founded by an English Lady, Mary Ward, in 1609. It is an international institution specially devoted to the education of youth. This institution is open to girls of all communities, irrespective of status, caste, creed and religion. This school imparts not only academic education to girls, but also helps them to form an integrated personality by developing in them a strong character, love of truth, respect, loyalty, a sense of justice and the necessity for honest hard work. This will make them an honor to womanhood and a source of happiness and blessings to all with whom they come in contact. Physical training, social and cultural activities and other extracurricular activities are given adequate place in the student’s education to make them disciplined and worthy citizens. Value education, taught to all students, aims at inculcating in them right values and attitudes.
Education is not merely imparting knowledge or information but it is an ongoing process of formation. It can be formal or informal, the important aspect is, it has a formative effect in the way one thinks, feels and acts. According to Aristotle “The purpose of education is to edify oneself and be beneficial to society.” Undoubtedly, education is both, for personal as well as social development and enhancement of an individual and society. The pursuit of knowledge and rendering of service to humanity should go hand in hand. more»
"Here is such crying out for ours to come… It is a pain to think how few years there remains for ours to labour in, and much more, how much there is to do in this short time."
"Only such as belong wholly to God, as live this in truth, are strong and fitting for such good works as are in this world to be done."
"Be wholly God's and keep to your utmost all he hath given you or left in your charge."
"It is an honour to work for God."
"Divine love is like fire which will not let itself be shut up; for it is impossible to love God and not to labour to extend his honour."
"Whoever wishes to do much good in this Company for the honour of God and salvation of his neighbour must place the common profit before his own."
"We are bound to give our lives for our neighbours' souls, and our goods for their lives, and not our superfluities but what may touch us."
"Be diligent to make yourself fit for all occupations and offices." "The true children of this company shall accustom themselves to act not out of fear but solely from love." "The best way to bear troubles with equanimity is to thank God heartily for them." "Prize you honour higher than your life." "Show yourself at all times glad and cheerful for Almighty God loves a cheerful giver." "It is impossible to serve God and the world at the same time." "Do not let the foolish world persuade you." "If you show service to anyone, do it willingly." "If we see a fault in our neighbour, we should certainly dislike the fault, but not the person." "Strive more to merit the praise and love of others than to receive." "We should diligently try to give a good example to everyone." "Do good and do it well." "A timid person will never ascend very high in the path of virtue, nor work anything great." "Those who wish to do what they ought not will afterwards have to do what they wish not." "A selfish person thinks usually only how she can enrich herself." "Be diligent to root out thy vices, but not to hide them." "He who would be rich in virtues, must neglect no opportunities of exercising them." "To say what is not in your heart is deceit, and to say all which is in your heart is folly." "Love and speak the truth at all times." "Show yourself as you are, and be what you show yourself to be." "Whatever uprightness you have, so much have you of other virtues also."